Vrinda's Education.com
    Education Info :
Std school/college Subjects Grades/Percentage Learned Hobbies
SSC Sacred Heart Convent English, Science, Maths, Computer 76.60% Learnt football techniques
HSC B.P.H.E A'nagar college Commerce + IT 74.60% Tally, calculation, Html, CSS
SPPU BBA B.P.H.E A'nagar college HR (Human resources) O-Grade Presenting Presentation CCC, MS Office
As Maths and Computer was my favourite subjects since schools days, I have owned a lots of
trophies and certificates in abacus (calculus) Also I have done lots of seminar and presentations in
in my college. Also in my BBA syllabus I have learnt a lot about finance,
company management and about marketing.